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What is a Pendulum

A pendulum is a weight which is attached to a rod or string or suspended from a fixed point. This weight can swing freely under the influence of gravity. The swinging motion is characterised by its back-and-forth movement. The actual motion of the pendulum is regular and is governed by the length and the acceleration used to start the swing in motion. 

Facts about Pendulums

·      Pendulums were discovered by Galileo.

·      Jean Foucault was a scientist who used the pendulum to prove that the earth rotates on its axis.

·      Pendulums were added to clocks in the year 1660 by the Dutch Scientist, Christian Huygens.


Do pendulums move on their own?

Hand-held pendulums swing seemingly on their own due to ideomotor movements, subtle muscle movements caused by thinking of a motion.

What Are Pendulums Made of?

Pendulums are made from a variety of materials including crystals, wood, glass, and metals. The cord can be a metal chain, thread, cotton, wool or any other material that can support the weight of the pendulum without snapping.

The general consensus within the healing community is that using a wooden pendulum on a thread is the preferred option for receiving the greatest clarity. This is because crystals, gemstones, and metals tend to absorb energies which could cloud or influence information. 

What do you use a pendulum for?

The traditional use of a pendulum was in a clock. However there a many different uses for a pendulum.

Chakra Balancing, Energy Clearing, Grounding, Healing, Room Cleansing, Dowsing such as finding things such as lost items or even looking for oil, and water and Divination (spiritual guidance, making decisions, answering question).

Can beginners use pendulums?

If you are new to the art of dowsing, getting started can feel a little bit awkward. What you need to remember though, is that with some patience and practice, you will find that dowsing will probably feel natural to you once you start to get comfortable and more familiar with your pendulum.



How do pendulums work spiritually?


The Pendulum acts as an amplifier for the energy that is flowing through your body. This energy is the messages from the Universe and your guides, as well as your own, subconscious, DNA heart centre energy. The pendulum is tapping into this energetic information to help you to determine your decision-making process.


How do you use a pendulum successfully?

To use a pendulum successfully you need to remain detached about the answer you want (ego) and focus purely on only on receiving a correct, unbiased answer. When the pendulum swings, look at it - observe its direction. This is your answer. If it doesn't move right away, give it time, or if you are unclear what the signal is, try rephrasing the question and repeat the question, remember, the pendulum can only answer yes and no and one question at a time.


How does a pendulum relate to life?

The pendulum swings from the success side to the failure side (with hopes that you will seek change) so that it can swing back to the other side. Do not see failures, disappointments, and frustration as your enemy but more like your best friend telling you that it is time to make changes in some area of your life.


How do you use a pendulum to get answers?


Steps for Using a Pendulum

  1. Hold the pendulum in your dominant hand, grasping the end of the chain and allowing the crystal to hang loose above a table. Have your free hand underneath it, this way your pendulum is “cupped” between your two hands.
  2. First ask the pendulum if it is ok to work with it. Wait a moment and if the pendulum starts to move, this is the confirmation you can work with it. Reset the pendulum and stop it swinging with your free hand.
  3. When the pendulum is still, ask the question “What is yes?” The pendulum will begin to move, and this indicates what the answer “Yes” looks like. The movement may be circular or back and forward.
  4. When the pendulum is still, ask the question “What is no?” The pendulum will begin to move, and this indicates what the answer “no” looks like.  The movement may be circular or back and forward, it will be a different movement to your “yes”.
  5. To check your yes and no, ask a question which you know the answer is yes, and then ask a question which you know the answer to be a no. This will confirm your yes and no.
  6. Now you are ready to ask your pendulum any question. Remember to phrase the question so it can answer with just a yes and no. If you ask a question and the pendulum does not move, this could be a “maybe” answer, i.e. the pendulum needs more information, or perhaps the outcome is not ready to happen immediately as other steps in your life may need to be taken first. You do need to be patient, especially when you first start to use a pendulum as it needs to settle into your energy field.


Can pendulums predict the future?

No, a pendulum or crystals cannot be used to predict the future. The idea of using pendulums or crystals for predicting the future is a belief associated with certain alternative or spiritual practices, but it lacks scientific evidence or support. A pendulum can give guidance, but it cannot tell you what to do. Remember, you have free will.


How do you ask a pendulum question?


Start by asking questions that can only give a yes or no response rather than asking “should I _____ instead of _____?" . Remember the pendulum can only answer yes or no. With more advanced pendulum work, you can however measure responses more in depth, but for basic pendulum readings you must keep questions precise.


How accurate can a pendulum be?

Pendulums are best for answering yes or no questions. The more often you work with a pendulum you will find it will become very accurate and extremely consistent with their answers, that is, if they are properly cleansed and charged prior to use. A pendulum can refuse to answer specific questions, especially if the answer is not of your or somebody else’s highest good and the question is not coming from a place of love, but when they do answer, they are usually correct.


Tips for Successful Pendulum Use


Always specify the source before asking questions.


  1. Cleanse the energy around and within you.
  2. Cleanse the pendulum.
  3. Quiet your mind (both before and while using your pendulum) and release “Ego”.
  4. Breathe.
  5. Ground yourself.
  6. Be present - do not multi-task.
  7. Be patient.
  8. Be objective.


How do you charge / cleanse a pendulum?

To recharge or cleanse, you can use therapeutic sound, light, blessings, or even your own physical touch. If trained in Reiki, you can recharge your pendulum and crystals with Reiki energy and/or symbols making them nimble and responsive. You can cleanse by passing through smoke, candle, incense. You can cleanse in water. Ensure when using water that this is compatible with the pendulum (crystal and thread).


Other Uses For Pendulums

Pendulums can be used for many different things, as well as divination work. When using pendulums for specific reasons, you may wish to use specific different pendulums.


When it comes to grounding, black crystal or red crystal pendulums are the best for the job. Stones like Red Jasper, Bloodstone and Black Tourmaline are perfect.


Pendulum healing is done by choosing the pendulum made from appropriate materials first. Metals like silver and white gold is preferable for healings because of its gentle and soothing signature of the moon.

Silver and white gold are believed to be connected with the feminine and healing waters; thus this material is considered to be the best channel for healing energies. Especially when working with the crown, heart and sacral chakras.

Stones like Amethyst, Smoky Quartz, Clear Quartz and Labradorite are considered to be cleansing crystals. They are perfect for pendulum healing when combined with the soothing energy of silver or white gold. 

Room Cleansing

For cleansing purposes, it’s best to choose power houses like Black Tourmaline, Black Onyx, Black Obsidian and Copper, Yellow Gold or Bronze for your spiritual pendulum.

Before you begin the procedure, you must first communicate with your pendulum and decided on “yes” and “no” signals.

Chakra Balancing

In order to balance the chakras, you need to hold the pendulum above the chakra areas on your body (or have someone else hold the pendulum for you).

The person holding the spiritual pendulum should set the intention for the sessions, by thinking something like “chakra balancing.”

Then, the pendulum can start doing its work. It is usually advised to start with the root chakra first and move your way up. Allow the pendulum to connect with the chakra, then ask if the chakra needs balancing, and if it does, to start the balancing. You may find the pendulum will start to swing vigorously and then as the chakra becomes balanced the pendulum will start to slow and then eventually stop. When this happens, the chakra is now balanced.

Energy Clearing

When it comes to energy clearing, once again, it’s important to set the intention (the purpose) of what the spiritual pendulum is to do. For this particular purpose, you might want to spend some time choosing the suitable pendulum.

Energy clearing crystals such as Red Jasper, Carnelian, Black Tourmaline and Black Obsidian are perfect for this type of work. Of course, you should always take into the account the crystal that attracts you.

Here's how an energy clearing session might work:

1.    Have the person receiving the energy clearing lie down.

2.    Hold the pendulum above the person's body and start “scanning” the body and aura beginning from the top of the head and moving all the way down.

3.    Ask the person to change positions so that you can scan both sides of their body, starting on their back and flipping over to their stomach.

4.    Take note of the blocked areas.

5.    You might choose a different pendulum for the job of healing the blocked areas or you can simply reprogram the pendulum with a new purpose of clearing the energy from any blocks.

Once you've done the scan of the body and found a challenging spot that needs a healing, it's time to choose your pendulum and begin the process.

1.    Simply hold the chosen pendulum over the critical spot until you feel the healing is done.

2.    Then you may move on to the next critical spot and repeat the process.

3.    Make sure your mind stays in theta waves as you’re progressing into the healing session in order for the pendulum to be able to work its best.


Before you begin the procedure, you must first communicate with your pendulum and decided on “yes” and “no” signals.




Alchemy of Herbs Journal

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Alchemy of Herbs Journal

  • 120 pages special designed for writing down your recipes
  • 6" x 9" dimensions, perfect for desk, backpack, purse, tote bag, school, home, and work
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The ideal notebook journal for keeping all of your unique herbal recipes in one place.
The perfect gift for aromatherapists, friends and family who love working with herbs and plants.

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